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  • Writer's pictureAngela Melin

Reflection #2

So much is happening in the world of technology. But, one thing seems to be extremely eye-catching, Facebook. Facebook was created in 2004 with few major problems. But people are finally starting to realize when they've got themselves into. In this generation, everything is digital. We don't even seem to realize what we're doing. Nobody reads the terms of service, everybody saves their passwords and this is because for some reason, we trust these websites. But a couple weeks ago, people found out that Facebook has been tracking their private phone calls and text messages. Basically, Facebook has data on many of it's users. It has now lost 50 billion dollars in market value after the scandal, but still denies any wrongdoing. After some time past, Mark Zuckerburg (creator of Facebook) apologized for the scandal. Millions of people have now deleted their Facebook accounts and are urging others to delete theirs also. Zuckerburg has no response to this.

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